How to Turn Off eSIM on iPhone and Android?

How to Turn Off eSIM on iPhone?
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The very moment that is so good. However, due to certain circumstances, many owners are looking for that very feature like delete eSIM. While it may seem to many that the delete function is always a negative aspect. However, there are a lot of reasons why the first steps require the deactivation of the new style sim card. Although further this action leads not only to optimise the workflows of the smartphone, but also to adjust the network settings. So let’s try to look at the process with the code name “delete eSIM” as a stage of improvement. And with its help you can only get a positive result.

And if you first saw the abbreviation e-SIM, then you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the technology in detail. After all, in this article you will read about the benefits and capabilities of Embedded SIM. And they will be able to optimise many processes of your life.

Getting to Know the eSIM

Getting to Know the eSIM

Embedded SIM or MFF2 technology: the M2M form factor represents a new format for communication and business communication. Why? And what is new? Let’s see:

  • Firstly, if we look at the technical possibilities, the card is characterised by an optimised appearance. When you need to delete eSIM, you won’t be able to see the card with the naked eye. What does this mean? The card is characterised by an inbuilt mechanism. It forms an integral part of your phone or other smart gadget. For example, a tablet, smart watch, all sorts of IT accessories with advanced features and home technology. Note that the release date should be after 2016. That’s when the technology manifested itself. And developers began to implement in new models. What was this required for? In order to maximise the use of space in the gadget. At the same time, taking into account the “turn off eSIM” function. Each new model was characterised by a thinner structure. However, the developers increased the power thanks to the free space of the Embedded SIM.
  • Secondly, it is the change of mobile operator. And in this context, the “delete eSIM” function plays an important role. After all, first you have to deactivate the card of one carrier to activate the settings of the next. Meanwhile, you can also set up several profiles. Then save the data of all cards.

Key Benefits of eSIM

Here is a brief but succinct overview of the main advantages of MFF2 technology: the M2M form factor:

  1. No in-person visit to a offline shop. Yes, as studies show, this is very important for customers. Life has changed not so long ago. So at the moment, the average person will choose online rather than offline. And this applies not only to purchasing, but also to maintenance, for example, the request “delete eSIM”.
  2. The possibility of using several numbers in one phone. This helps to make your gadget versatile and convenient for different purposes. For example, one number for business and work processes. The other one can be used as an exclusively personal space.
  3. The option “deactivate eSIM” at any time and in every country of the world. This means that you are not tied to the process of using the technology. There is a need – switch on the function, if you need to switch off, the process takes a few minutes.
  4. Wide popularity among mobile operators. Today global companies and regional representatives are trying to develop new technology as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, they offer a flexible system of discounts and promotional offers.

5 Cases When You Need to Delete eSIM

5 Cases When You Need to Delete eSIM

  • Changing your phone. Yes, and this is a move forward. Since the new gadget will solve the problems that have been on the agenda. Also optimise the former discomfort. However, it may be that when you switch to a new model, the phone will be without eSIM support.
  • Carrier change. When switching to another operator that does not support the current Embedded SIM. There are cases when it is necessary to turn off eSIM, in order to connect a new one on a new tariff and operator.
  • Smartphone sale. Before selling or transferring your phone to a new owner, any expert will recommend a deletion process. This will protect your personal information.
  • Loss or theft of the phone.
  • If you suddenly lose your gadget, you should deactivate eSIM at the first opportunity. Do this to avoid unauthorised use.
  • Energy saving. If you have decided not to use e-SIM yet, it is best to opt for the “delete eSIM” function. And it will save energy, make the battery more powerful.

What Should You Keep in Mind Before Removal?

  • Keep your contacts and relevant information related to MFF2.
  • Check for subscriptions and additional services. You may have connected some of them while using the card.
  • Make sure you have a guide in front of you on how you need to do the process correctly. Read the instructions below in this article.

How to Turn Off eSIM on iPhone?

  1. Go to the familiar block with settings. You will be prompted by the gear icon on the main screen.
  2. Find the section with a chain of settings for cellular. Look for MFF2 or e-SIM.
  3. Move the lever to the disable position. You will likely be prompted to enter your PIN or password to confirm. Please note before you delete eSIM.
  4. Approve that you really want to deactivate the eSIM.
  5. Check that the operation was successful.

How to Deactivate eSIM on Android 

  1. Find the familiar icon on a grey background with a six Settings.
  2. Select “Network and Internet” or “Connections”.
  3. Inside the Network and Internet section, find the eSIM settings.
  4. In the Embedded SIM block, find the option to disable or remove it, and confirm action.
  5. When disconnecting the card, the system may ask for confirmation in the form of entering a PIN or password.
  6. Check whether the eSIM process was successful.


The take-home message is the “delete eSIM” function is not just about disabling a setting on your phone’s system. It’s an opportunity to make your life better. Maybe you’re upgrading to a new phone. Or maybe you’re making a bid for a new mobile operator. But either way, you are optimising your work or personal life.

This article provides detailed and simple instructions for iPhone and Android. The process is easy and does not require additional costs and efforts. You will be able to carry out the operation without professional help.

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