eSIM Solution as Alternatives to Public Wi-Fi

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What do you rely on when travelling, in the battle WiFi vs Cellular? Global statistics show that only about 19% of travellers surveyed, without reference to nationality or place of residence, will favour Wi-Fi. Not such a large percentage, is it? After all, around 81% of travellers vote for cellular. It would seem, what are the reasons if you can find Wireless Fidelity in almost every major airport, in numerous restaurants and hotels, even on public transport. Meanwhile, those survey respondents who voted for cellular back in the day are celebrating eSIM. And the fact that this new card saves a lot of hassle when travelling.

For example, Embedded SIM, the survey claims, is the most secure option for using personal data. The technology uses the latest encryption algorithms. And their application has a goal to increase the security of communication networks and protect users from possible attacks. What other advantages does eSIM have? And why is this technology a key aspect of mobile phone wins in the WiFi vs Cellular battle? 

What is an eSIM: Briefly About The Main Thing

The first thing worth mentioning is that this is a new format of the SIM card we are used to. That is, we can say that the technology is the next generation of the plastic chip. And if you’ve previously been constantly agonizing over losing your SIM again, because when traveling, many tourists adhere to the rule of buying a local mobile phone tariff upon arrival. And for this reason, almost every one of them lost the card when changing. That with the new format of communication you will be able to put an end to this problem and the fight Wi-Fi vs Cellular forever.

Virtual or Online SIM – synonymous with eSIM – has no physical basis. Technology is an inseparable part with your smartphone, tablet, or other smart gadget. You could say it’s an internal feature of your phone. And you’ll be able to find confirmation of that in the settings right now. Be careful though, as eSIM technology is present in smartphones and tablets with a year of manufacture after 2018.

What is an eSIM

How Does an eSIM Work?

Like one of the alternatives to Wi-Fi, a 24/7 electronic card provides a more stable cellular connection and operation. The card functions like a regular SIM, which you are probably used to.

Firstly, you will be able to perform all the usual operations as usual: make voice calls and messages, sit on forums, chat in chats. The functionality remains the same and familiar.

Secondly, you will have the opportunity to create a gadget with multiple phone numbers. How is this possible? Very simple. Since eSIM allows you to activate several data profiles. This means that you will be able to buy several cards with tariff plans from different mobile operators.

Thirdly, in the Wi-Fi vs. Cellular battle, mobile is winning. Because due to the seriousness of privacy, the risk of data theft and identity theft is reducing to a couple of per cent out of a hundred.

Where Can You Find Wi-Fi When Traveling?

  • Airports. Most major airports offer free Wi-Fi for their passengers.
  • Hotels and hostels. Many hotels and hostels provide affordable Wireless Fidelity for their guests.
  • Cafes and restaurants. Many catering establishments offer Wireless Fidelity to their visitors.
  • Shopping Centres and Stores. Some shopping centres and shops have areas with Wireless Fidelity.
  • Public Parks and Recreation Areas. Some parks and recreation areas have free Wi-Fi.
  • Museums and galleries. Some museums and galleries offer Wireless Fidelity access for visitors.

Is It Safe to Use Public Wi-Fi in Hotels, Cafes, Airports?

The truth is, free cheese only in a mousetrap, as everyone knows. So what security risk does a public Wi-Fi pose? Let’s see:

  • Many public Wi-Fi networks do not use encryption or use outdated and less secure encryption protocols. Accordingly, this makes it possible and easy for attackers to intercept data.
  • Often public networks can be used for phishing and fraud. That’s when attackers try to get users’ personal data, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
  • Public networks can be infected with malware. They track keystrokes on the user’s keyboard, collect personal information and send it to attackers.
  • Also, an attacker can insert themselves between a user’s device and a Wi-Fi access point, intercepting and modifying the transmitted data.

Meanwhile, IT experts even recommend avoiding entering sensitive information. Such as passwords and credit card numbers on websites. However, this is highly improbable when traveling. After all, most travelers book hotels or check-in for flights online. Is eSIM more secure? Let’s find out.

Is It Safe to Use Public Wi-Fi in Hotels, Cafes, Airports

Compare The Security of Public Wi-Fi and eSIM

It is interesting to notice that eSIM and public Wi-Fi security represent different aspects of communication technology usage and even a battle Wi-Fi vs Cellular.

The eSIM provides security at the level of subscriber identification and network connection. You can download Soft SIM data to your smartphone remotely via the internet. However, due to the fact that the data of this card is linked to a specific smartphone or other smart gadget. On the one hand, the use of this technology increases protection against unauthorized access to communication services.

On the other hand, public Wi-Fi can pose a threat to the security of personal data. Since data transmitted over insecure networks can be intercepted by intruders. By the way, this is especially relevant for financial transactions and logging in to social networks or emails via public networks where there is a risk of phishing and fraud.

Thus, the eSIM solution provides security at the level of identification and network connectivity. Whereas Wi-Fi poses a threat to the privacy and security of data transmitted over unsecured networks.

ESIM-Man App

How Can You Buy a Secure eSIM on ESIM-Man?

  1. First you need to register on the website. Registration will take no more than 1 minute if you log in via social networks.
  2. On the start page, select the destination you are keen on travelling to.
  3. You will be taken to a page with a list of favourable offers from different mobile operators for the country you are interested in.
  4. Study all offers, pay attention to the period of eSIM lease, the volume of Internet traffic.
  5. Choose the best option for your trip and click “BUY NOW”.
  6. You will only have to pay for the card. Meanwhile, all transactions on our site are safe and secure. 
  7. After payment, you will receive a QR code for eSIM installation, as well as a similar guide.


The take-home message is in comparison to Wi-Fi vs Cellular the key advantage is the eSIM. Because data transmission with this technology is carefully secured. In turn, if you use a public Wi-Fi network. For example, in cafes, restaurants, hotels, airports, or public transport. The reliability of the transactions you will make is extremely low. After all, wireless communication is almost always very poorly protected.

Choose the new eSIM format for your relaxed and comfortable traveling experience. And you can truly enjoy your time and enjoy high-speed and secure mobile communications.

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