Why Now Is The Best Time to Switch to eSIM?

Why Now Is The Best Time to Switch to eSIM
Global Connectivity
Global Connectivity Seamless service in over 195 countries worldwide, ensuring you stay connected wherever your travels take you.
Preferred by Travelers
Preferred by Travelers Thousands of eSIMs activated yearly by globe-trotters and digital nomads, making eSIM-Man a top choice for smart connectivity.
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Flexible Data Plans Customize your connectivity with a range of data plans designed to meet every traveler's needs, from light browsing to heavy data use
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eSIM-Man cuts your roaming costs by up to 30%

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eSIM switch — the very word combination that is often found among those plans of an average person, who time after time tries to optimise all processes of his life. But, why is this topic so important? If only because it is impossible to imagine not only a day, but even an hour of our life without mobile communications.

Wireless communication plays a key role in enabling people to co-operate with each other. If scientific theories are to be trusted, it was communication that allowed humans to become what we are today. It made it possible to protect ourselves, our homes, communities, territories and even the planet.

However, each of us in one way or another strives to simplify all processes of life in order to save energy, which is the very laziness as an engine of progress. And the flagship in the field of simplification of mobile communication is Embedded SIM. And you are still thinking to switch to the new technology or not? Although, in fact, the answer is obvious.

What is eSIM Technology?

An embedded SIM card is an alternative to a plastic SIM card that embodies all the features you use every day. However, it brings more convenience and a new quality of communication. Also, the novelty received the name of the technology MFF2: M2M form factor, so sometimes you can meet this name. So, the development first appeared on the market almost 8 years ago and became a real breakthrough.

For the first time it became possible to ensure the highest degree of data security, because no one can steal the card, and telecom operators carefully encrypt and store information on servers.

It has also become possible to activate mobile tariffs online, without having to visit an offline showroom. This saves precious time, and also allows you to choose a package of services without restrictions and worries, having familiarised yourself with all the information about it. That is, being in comfortable conditions, you will be able to choose, pay and activate the tariff.

In addition, the electronic card is constantly updated and maintains the current settings of mobile communication. Thus, you will be able to enjoy superfast communication, which is only possible in a particular regional sector.


Why is Today The Best Time To Switch To An eSIM?

As of 2024, eSIM is already widely used in the world of mobile technology. So, why today is the best time to make the switch to eSIM, making your life easier and better.

What does swapping a SIM card for an eSIM give us? Let’s take a look:

  • Firstly, you will forget about losing your SIM card as the eSIM is part of the phone and you can’t just take the mechanism out of the gadget.
  • Secondly, the new technology will make it possible to make a smartphone function with support for two or more SIM cards, which is important for people looking to share work and personal space in their mobile phone usage.
  • Thirdly, you will be able to get the phone number of any country/region and get rid of expensive data roaming on your travels.

Travellers vs. Business — Who Else Needs an eSIM?

It is those who love travelling and those who make business flights on a daily basis who need a new type of card. Why? Let’s found out.

The answer for travellers: this option will make it possible to bypass roaming, which is the main advantage. And in this aspect, one of the most frequent questions can be answered: “Can eSIM be changed?”, because here the card has a large number of variations to change data. What is it about? You will be able to activate from home a virtual card of the operator that operates in the territory of the country you are travelling to. Accordingly, you will have access to local prices for communication, which are two or even three times cheaper than roaming. However, if you are travelling to several countries, you can change the active e-SIM by profiles for each country. It’s simple: you buy a different number with a tariff for each operator and switch between number-profiles when you arrive in a certain tourist location.

Answer for businessmen: Embedded SIM allows you to work efficiently in any corner of the world, providing you with high-quality and high-speed communication. That is, with this type of card, you will not worry about whether the network coverage in the place where you are travelling for business, or whether you will be able to use the Internet at the same speed.

Travellers vs. Business — Who Else Needs an eSIM?

How do I switch from SIM to eSIM on my iPhone?

  1. Find the eSIM function in the settings: go to the cellular section, scroll down to the block with the option to add a card;
  2. On our site choose a mobile operator according to the parameters you need (e.g. you need communication in a certain country);
  3. Buy a card from the chosen operator, wait for a QR code and settings from the manager;
  4. Scan the code, follow the guide and activate the card.

How to switch to eSIM on Android?

  1. Find the network and internet block in the settings, go to the cellular division;
  2. See the options for SIM card settings and among them the option to add Embedded SIM;
  3. Select a mobile operator with virtual card support on our website, where lists for each purpose are prepared;
  4. Make a purchase and wait for a guide from your carrier with an active QR code;
  5. Scan, follow the step-by-step steps and get a ready MFF2 profile.


The take-home message is exchanging cards from plastic to electronic takes much less time and effort than you might imagine. It’s easy, modern and fast. And when better than now is the right time to start optimising all the processes of your life. From working from home, to travelling to other countries, to short weekends in your favourite area.

In this article you will find the key features of eSIM, and why it is worth switching to this type of card from your usual pattern. There will also be easy and step-by-step guides for setting up Embedded SIM on iOS iPhones and Android smartphones.

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