Travel Apps to Help Navigate New Cities

Travel Apps to Help Navigate New Cities
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Can you navigate new terrain without mobile navigation apps? As recent studies show, more travellers can no longer remember how to navigate north or south without a smartphone. Meanwhile, even 15 years ago, many travellers knew how to determine the sides of the world by placing a stick vertically and recording the movement of the shadow using the solar method. Or they could orientate themselves without a compass by the stars and constellations, but at this period of time the new smart generation has already forgotten all the basic knowledge of orienteering on the terrain and uses only their gadget to determine the location, as well as to build a route.

This topic is especially relevant in the context of travelling, because in a new country we find ourselves among completely unfamiliar locations. And with the help of the phone we start looking for cafes and restaurants, hotels and apartments, clubs and entertainment centres, museums and unforgettable locations. Let’s talk about 21st century navigation, shall we?

Reasons Why Your Phone Is So Important When You’re Traveling

Orienteering without a smartphone is quite a quest in a new country, and here’s why:

  • Firstly, an uncharted location may have completely different customs, language and cultural nuances, which can make it difficult to communicate and interact with locals – whereas if you had a phone, you could use a translation app;
  • Secondly, the street and road systems, public transport and navigation may be different from what you are used to, which in most cases will make it difficult to get around. You are likely to lose a large amount of time because of this, but an online or offline navigator app is your best friend in a new country;
  • Thirdly, in today’s world, access to information is abundant, but this is also often confusing, making it difficult to choose the best route, places to visit and other decisions. However, with an orienteering app, you will be able to open information on different sources and analyse the content.
  • Fourth, adapting to new environments and conditions is often stressful, which is why it is so important to stay in touch with family and friends, so travelling without a smartphone is often no longer even imaginable;
  • Fifthly, safety concerns in an unfamiliar country can affect your peace of mind and ability to navigate if you always carry your phone with Travel Apps. And sometimes peace of mind is the key to successful travelling, isn’t it?

Smartphone with Travel Apps as a Guide: The Real Navigation Challenges of Today

Without a smartphone when travelling, you can face the following navigation problems:

  • Loss of important information. Without access to maps, apps for easy travel and online navigation, you can be in difficult situation, not knowing how to get to where you need to go;
  • Dependence on paper maps. Although paper maps are the classic standard, they are often outdated and lack up-to-date information;
  • Lack of traffic information. Without gadgets, you can’t get instant information about current road conditions and traffic jams, which can make travelling in a new country difficult;
  • Difficulties with route planning. You won’t be able to easily adapt your route in real time if your plans change. Or imagine getting somewhat lost at a location and there’s not a soul in the vicinity;
  • Limited access to local recommendations and reviews. Without the internet, you’ll miss out on recommendations for local restaurants, attractions, and other interesting places.

New Trend in Travel Apps: Explore a New City Alone

That’s when you definitely can’t get around without a smartphone with navigation and internet access – when travelling without a group tour or friends. Then when travelling alone or as a couple. However, it should be said that in most cases, when travelling with a large group, you can’t go anywhere without Travel Apps. For example:

Situation number 1: Where to dine?

Actually, a frequent and difficult question, especially when there are no leads and reference points. How do you know if an establishment will be reasonably priced? Will it be tasty and atmospheric? And maybe also instrumental music will please. Without mobile apps with ratings and photos, it is almost impossible to choose a cafe or restaurant.

Situation number 2: What are the opening hours of the local national museum? Is it possible to drive up and park a car nearby?

It is hard to imagine solving this problem without a phone with internet, for example, very often tourists buy eSIM or Embedded SIM for travelling without roaming at a favourable price for calls and internet traffic. After all, without map apps, it is difficult to quickly get the necessary information about opening hours and paid or free parking.

New Trend in Travel Apps: Explore a New City Alone

Solution to All Your Travelling Navigation Problems: Best Travel Apps for You

  1. The flagship is Maps.Me, a unique offline and online map format. If you download in advance a data package for the desired country, you will have maps, ratings of all establishments, as well as offline route building even without internet access;
  2. Tandem app. Here you can not only find companions in your neighbourhood, but also find guides who will lead the most interesting excursions. The app is designed for socialising, here you can both chat with locals and make acquaintances;
  3. Important – XE Currency. Must-have for comfortable travelling in a new country is the ability to convert currencies and keep track of exchange rates. The app will help you save a large amount of money and time;
  4. – booking hotels and hostels. The most popular service for any traveller. You will be able to find on the spot in the vicinity of the desired options at a reasonable price. There’s also chat with the apartment host or hotel front desk representatives;
  5. Evernote is the app that will be a mainstay when travelling. It is your travel notebook. Here you need to save important information that can help you in emergencies, as well as allow you to save memorable moments from each country.


The take-home message is travelling in the 21st century is difficult to imagine without a smartphone, and it is not necessary. At the moment, new technologies can optimise and improve many processes of our life and it is worth using them for new discoveries. Such a discovery for many will be Travel Apps, which allow you to travel comfortably alone or in a large group or family.

Choose and build itineraries, read reviews of cafes and restaurants, book hotels and apartments at low prices, communicate with locals and avoid roaming charges with eSIM, which is available in most countries of the world.

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