How to Save Money While Traveling Abroad?

How to Save Money While Traveling Abroad
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Remember those times in history when tourism was just starting to develop? At that time, going on a trip was a whole event in a family’s life, and it was hard to save money. Only wealthy people could afford to go travelling. And the very idea to travel without money was so unrealistic that it was hard to even imagine. These are the times, even twenty years ago, when people chose in most cases group tours. They travelled along a predetermined route often with a guide to cultural and historical sights. They also chose ready-made package trips to resorts in warm countries, for which they overpaid large sums of money.

Now everything has changed. Today every average person can afford a trip abroad. Why? What has changed? IT (Information technology) has changed this world beyond recognition. We have all moved to an online format. Internet in every phone now allows you to navigate, use a translator, find and book hotels, hostels and apartments. And cellular communication has finally become available without roaming. How to travel profitably? Let’s found out.

Why is it Important to Travel

Why is it Important to Travel?

And as you can often hear, every trip is a lifetime. And it is completely true, because each country opens us from a new side, gives us knowledge and experience, allows us to expand our horizons. Why? Let’s see:

  1. Firstly, travelling is a source of inspiration for new ideas and personal discoveries. Each new location allows you to look at familiar things from a different perspective. Air, taste and aroma – and already our whole thinking works differently;
  2. Secondly, it’s new acquaintances. The human factor to this day still allows sometimes to create a real miracle. And there is a legend that says we all know each other through seven handshakes. So on any terrain you can meet people similar in their views on life, who will share their personal experience and help you to get acquainted with the terrain;
  3. Thirdly, the opportunity to see the beauty of primordial nature. After all, nowadays we increasingly see natural wonders through the screen of a smartphone or tablet, but this is a completely different reality. The world in living colours is more than our twenty-first century generation imagine.

What is The Reason Why to Travel Has Become Accessible?

The reason to save money on travel has become a driving force to change the tourism industry. After all, every traveller from small to large dreams of visiting as many locations as possible, but spending not so much money.

What is The Reason Why to Travel Has Become Accessible?

The development of modern technology allows travelling sometimes even for free, because in the last decade we can note:

  • The emergence of a developed network of applications on iOS and Android, which focus on navigation and orientation on the terrain;
  • The widespread development of online booking sites for accommodation, car and water transport rentals;
  • The proliferation of platforms that search for locals to socialise with. After all, travel savings is also about arrangements between people.
  • You can find those who provide free overnight accommodation. Or those who are willing to organise a free excursion;
  • The discovery of Embedded SIM or eSIM, which for the first time made it possible to bypass roaming and use mobile communication without overpayments.

What is eSIM & How to Travel More Favourably?

The e-SIM is a new cellular communications technology that provides cellular communications with a high level of personal data security and maximum financial benefit. This format fulfils all the functions of a regular SIM card, but allows something more for just the user. For example:

  1. Use multiple phone numbers without having to use a gadget with two sim card slots. This will allow you to connect multiple mobile operators from different countries at local prices, allowing you to answer the question of how to save money on travel;
  2. It has no plastic base, so the card cannot be lost or exposed to mechanical factors. The mechanism is an inseparable part of the phone or smart accessory itself;
  3. Many mobile operators offer reduced prices for electronic SIM tariffs, as the technology is developing and companies are maximising the number of such connections.

5 Quick Tips to Help You Save Money When Travelling

And of course, many travellers are looking for ways and methods on how to arrange holidays or travels cheaper outside of work. And here’s what we have to offer:

  • Firstly, put notifications on flight prices to know when the price goes up and when it goes down. This way you can save around 30% of the ticket price for the same destination;
  • Secondly, look for tour options and even finding accommodation by communicating with locals. You can write a request message in advance that you need an overnight stay. And many people offer free accommodation;
  • Thirdly, don’t use roaming, but use an eSIM with local prices for the country you are travelling to. This will ensure you can stay in touch no matter what at favourable prices for calls, sms and internet traffic;
  • Fourthly, choose local cuisine and small cafes for breakfasts and dinners, the prices in which are much lower than in promoted and popular locations;
  • Fifth, to save money on a road trip, it is best to plan your route in advance, avoiding toll roads and expensive parking places in the country where you will be travelling.


The take-home message is travelling has become affordable and financially beneficial. If twenty years ago we dreamed of travelling abroad at least once a year, now we can travel all the time and spend not so much money on travelling. This is facilitated by new mobile communication technologies and numerous services.

Special attention should be paid to eSIM, without which travelling will not be so easy and cheap. Embedded SIM bypasses roaming, allows you to catch high-speed communication and will always help you in any situation.

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