5 Reasons to Switch to an e-SIM — Pros & Cons

5 Reasons to Switch to an e-SIM — Pros & Cons
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The world is developing so fast that we all strive for speed, ease and simplicity, especially when it comes to the field of IT technology and communications. Over the past few years, there has been a real revolution in the development of mobile communications that many people have not even had time to adapt to the novelties. For example, with great success, many companies have adopted a new SIM card format codenamed e-SIM. Are you familiar with the technology? Are you interesting to know why e-SIM has become so popular in almost all countries of the world? In this article we’ll give you 5 reasons why you should choose e-SIM and give up your SIM for all.

e-SIM as One of The Growing Trends — What's The Secret?

e-SIM as One of The Growing Trends — What’s The Secret?

e-SIM is a new format for cellular communication between companies in the aspect of legal entities and people in the aspect of individuals. This technology first powerfully entered the market about 7 years ago, appearing in smart watches, but the first serious developments appeared in 2013.

What is Embedded SIM? If you think it is a physical carrier that can be inserted and removed from your gadget: smartphone, tablet, smartwatch, then no. This mechanism is already present in your phone, year of manufacture after 2016, and has no physical basis. In fact, it is a new option that is part of the “brains” of your device and allows you to activate your phone number. That is, all the same functions of the familiar SIM card, but in a new reading.

What is the secret of idea eSIM? It is that this technology allows your device to be more powerful, lighter and more functional. If a standard SIM card previously took up a lot of space in the device and did not allow you to increase the power of the device, the developers have solved this problem with the help of Embedded SIM.

What are The Benefits of Using an e-SIM?

Yes, the power is great, however what is the substance? What’s important about Embedded SIM functionality for you, for those in business? For those who like to travel? Let’s found out.

e-sim card

Here are 5 reasons why e-SIM is convenient:

  • Firstly, it’s the ease of activation. We value every minute of our time, and e-SIM saves us at least 60 minutes to buy a phone number. Why? Because you can buy an this digital SIM online and not have to visit a mobile phone shop in person. You will bypass the traffic jam, the queue in the offline salon, and you will be able to do all the activation actions at home without a big stack of documents;
  • Secondly, after buying e-SIM online you will open for yourself a whole world of new opportunities, which will allow you, for example, to activate several numbers of different mobile operators and travel without borders and restrictions.
  • Thirdly, you could already guess by yourself that it is simply impossible to lose or decorate an Embedded SIM, as the developers have installed the technology in the gadget itself. This provides a high level of security of information leakage from your phone, and also preserves your privacy. After all, these two parameters are very important in the modern world. And even on this point, you can clearly determine why eSIM is better. You can safely travel even the most secluded regions of our planet and not worry about the safety of your phone number;
  • Fourthly, it’s a new approach to the reasonable production and consumption of plastic. This issue is one of the most urgent nowadays and allows you to significantly reduce the production of plastic, which was the basis for the production of a standard SIM card;
  • Fifthly, you will be able to operate two, a third or even more phone numbers at the same time, receiving calls on all numbers. This is certainly convenient for those who need to separate personal and work space. It is also convenient in the conditions of problems with network connection, because one number has a bad connection, but the other will definitely help you to make a call or send an SMS.

Minuses of eSIM — Are There Any?

Despite the many advantages, the MFF2 technology has some minuses. For example:

  • Limited device support. Not all mobile gadgets support Embedded SIM technology. And if your smartphone is released earlier than 2016, that there might be a problem to switch to e-SIM card;
  • Operator dependency. Activation and management of electronic SIM often depends on the mobile operator. In some cases, the operator may not support the new technology or provide limited management options. However, the largest cellular companies are already abandoning plastic SIM-cards on the contrary;
  • The need for an internet connection. Activation and management of an e-SIM usually requires internet access. This can cause problems in situations where an internet connection is not available. However, you can always ask for help and find free and available WI-FI.


The take-home message is the advantages of e-SIM, such as flexibility, convenience, environmental friendliness and security. This is make the technology one of the most promising trends in IT technology and mobile communications. It’s a new format that allows to keep personal data confidential, to activate a phone number quickly and easily. However, you can use several profiles from different operators in one smartphone. So, e-SIM is a real breakthrough, thanks to which many large companies began to abandon the physical SIMs.

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